Hello there. My name is Abigail and this is my blog. I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing but I’m hoping this will become easier as time goes on and I look more into the how-tos of everything. I will be documenting my journey as a 23 soon to be 24 year into actually becoming the adult I’m supposed to be. There will also be hobbies and maybe some travel. As of this post, I can’t go very far but that doesn’t mean I can’t have adventures in this local city of mine.
Between my overwhelming yarn stash and clutter, and my wanderlust kicking into high gear; we’ll have to see where life takes us and what lessons the universe has in store. I’ve been kicking around the idea of starting this blog for some time now and I’ve finally decided to jump off the cliff. So I’d love if you’d follow me on this journey as we climb out of this rotting bog and build our perfect stick built cottage.